I wanted to get
Fridays blog done today, tomorrow I have much to do. Today (
Friday) or whenever you read this my mind thinks back to the many different approaches I have taken to worship leading, prepared, under prepared, prayed up, not so prayed up, high energy to worshipful, and the one thing I was called once was showy,
because I was lighting up the piano, going off on it if you will.. Worship leaders sadly are musicians and sadly we feel the need to shine and stick out, to me great worship leaders, sit at the feet and they equip the team around them and they step out of the spotlight, I think so many want to be
tomlin or
stanfill, both great
worship leaders, but to me the question is when you look back on
Sunday, who did you take with you? who have you poured into that week? All great questions and my last point to share is that worship leading is not a show and your church folks can tell. The pulpit stage platform what ever you call it is always naked
Signs of the showy worship leader are
1. loud singing
2. all you hear is the worship leader
3. loud playing
4. center of stage blowing everyone away
5. long piano or guitar interludes
6. overall pride fullness
7. the over spiritual (yes there is such a thing) being too preachy***u are there to lead worship not preach, just a pet peeve of mine
8. same songs that always feature you
9. lack of team input
10. attitude of it all falls back on me
11. sing songs that only you like
12. the church family is not singing 2 things happen in worship participation and observation, if the church is observing they are watching a show
Be careful of the show, God honors a pure heart, and your best effort, not your greatest "new" idea and your opinions of how it should be and what you think "great" worship is.
Forget the Show,