Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome 2011

Welcome 2011. I am excited about what this new year brings for me and my family this year. This April I will turn 30, young to some, strange to me. Also, on May 17, I will celebrate my 15th year of ministy. Over the past months I have taken a hard look at ministry, lessons learned, trips, worship services and have deduced many wonderful insights. At present moment I have begun the process of what is next? Understanding that Christ desires the faithful and pure heart, and a willingness to go and do whatever He asks, I have committed myself to totally do whatever. I was distraught over the state of the amercian church, and I have found that I can take on Chris, make my impact, fullfill my destiny, everyone else has their destiny to fullfill. I am amazed at how perception has changed over the course of 15 years, from hymnal only, to all out worship, from suits, to jeans and cool shirts, from KJV to my NIV, I've grown, I've changed and although life is just weird right now, I'm satisfied with it. I desire in my heart just to be obedient, and do what I need to do and go where I go, drifiting I am not, sailing full sail in the sea of that which is my life with all the joy and messess. Finding out I am pretty normal with ups and downs, ebbs and flow, so my encouragement today is simply, stay the course, set your sails and fly.

Blessings on this Day,

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